Residential community wastewater treatment

CASE STUDY: Residential community wastewater treatment applying REŠETILOVS package modular solution.
LOCATION: Northwest Arkansas, USA, Real Estates development.
SOLUTION: Residential wastewater treatment station with capacity of 355 m3/day.
TECHNOLOGY: equalization, fine screening and grit removal, sedimentation, biological treatment based on fixed film process.
CHALLENGES: Development of the Real Estates subdivision wasn’t fast. Homes were built with a big time gap. From the beginning of the WWTP operation incoming wastewater amount was minimal and later on it started to increase gradually upon completion of new homes and their connection to sewer system.
RESULTS: REŠETILOVS wastewater biological treatment station within all operation period up to now demonstrates excellent treatment performance.
Effluent test data:
BOD5 – 2 mg/l (effluent treatment requirements – 15 mg/l)
SS – 3.8 mg/l (effluent treatment requirements – 15 mg/l)
Coli-forms – 10 units/100 ml (effluent treatment requirements – 2000 units/100 ml).