2015 - Product range expansion

Equipment production:
During the year REŠETILOVS produces 21 WWTPs – 18 of them for domestic/municipal wastewater treatment and 3 – for oil-contaminated surface wastewater treatment.
Since the company foundation in total 1409 WWTPs are produced.
Development and achievements:
- REŠETILOVS expanses its product range covering various stainless steel made goods for different applications.
- Following its long-term development and observing the achieved business volumes, company decides to implement restructuring by changing the legal form from the individual merchant to a limited liability company - SIA “REŠETILOVS”, taking over all the rights, obligations and liabilities of the “REŠETILOVS UN CO” IK.
- REŠETILOVS long-term activity succeeded at the end of 2015 when the company took the 3rd place in the “Best Exporter” category, large/medium partnership group, of the competition “Export and Innovations Award 2015”. The competition is founded by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia in cooperation with Ministry of Economics, under patronage of the President of the Republic of Latvia Raimonds Vejonis.
Important and large-scale projects:
- Completed the final 3rd stage of municipal wastewater treatment station with total capacity of 4320 m3/day for “Mamonovo City, Kaliningrad Region, Russia” project implementation.
- Municipal wastewater treatment station with capacity of 800 m3/day produced for project implementation in Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.
Marketing activities:
REŠETILOVS signs the cooperation agreement with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA).