Morocco declares state of water emergency and plans to triple its desalination capacity by 2030.
moreMorocco declares state of water emergency and plans to triple its desalination capacity by 2030.
moreInterested in an efficient and productive partnership?
moreResidential community wastewater treatment applying REŠETILOVS package modular solution.
moreREPLACEMENT of old conventional WWTP applying REŠETILOVS new package modular solution.
moreDecentralization concept applied for a village wastewater treatment.
moreREŠETILOVS successfully completed the 2nd Surveillance audit to in correspondence with the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
moreToday the brand REŠETILOVS un CO celebrates 30th Anniversary!
moreValuing water.
moreREŠETILOVS continues shipment of the domestic wastewater treatment Station with capacity of 1200 m3/day for the village in Russia.
moreREŠETILOVS has worked out technological basis for package design solutions development.